Chrome for iPhone is now much faster and crashes less - Tech Meaning News

Chrome for iPhone is now much faster and crashes less

Chrome for iPhone is now much faster and crashes less ,

Google Chrome for iOS finally gives improvements in the speed and reliability that users have wanted for a long, long time. Today the company is the overhaul of its mobile browser for iPhone and iPad with a new rendering engine: WKWebView. This is the same engine that powers Apple's own Safari browser on iOS, and while it might his as boring technical jargon that you end up with is perhaps the making the most important day that Chrome for iOS has ever received. It will not look any different from Chrome that you used before, but it will feel faster and work better. You can download it here. 70 percent! And Chrome now supports JavaScript as well - and just as fast - like Safari. This has been a long time coming, to say the least; iOS 8, Apple has granted third party applications (and browsers) the same powers as JavaScript Safari, but Google has been slow to get on board. That all changed now.

Google has tested Chrome directly against Safari iOS with several reference tools (Octane, JetStream and Kraken), noting that it is right on par with Apple's browser. A disadvantage is that these improvements in very high speed and reliability applies only to iPads and iPhones running iOS 9; previous versions of the OS have limitations which, chromium team, prevent WKWebView to be "viable" for rendering Chrome. It is not like earlier versions of Chrome were awful; they just always felt a little slower and Brugière Safari. But now, Chrome should be better than ever.

And that alone is likely to revive calls for Apple to let customers choose their default web browser, default e-mail application, and so on. If they are both just as fast and as safe and running the same rendering engine, why not? The timing here could not be much better; Google is better, faster Chrome comes on the same day that Safari was taken with a rare but nasty bug that resulted in crashing the browser for many users. And one more thing that was not in the Google blog, but is in the changelog Update: Update Chrome today also allows you to search for bookmarks directly from Spotlight in iOS. Pretty handy.